Sunday 20 November 2022

Rufete Blanca = Verdejo Serrano


Rufete Blanca (sometimes Blanco), is also known as Verdejo Serrano. 

Jose Vouillamoz writes that Rufete Blanca is a misleading synonym for Verdejo Serrano and that it is not a colour mutation of Rufete (a red grape from Portugal).

Verdejo Serrano is an almost extinct variety and was discovered early this century but not described until 2006 and only registered in 2009. It has a different DNA from Verdejo. There is also a Verdejo de Salamanca but that is now no longer cultivated.

Needless to say there are very few monovarietal wines made with this grape but look out for the one by Vinas del Cambrico.

1 comment:

  1. I see on the winery's website they also produce a variety from an even rarer grape called Calabres (Merenzao in VIVC).
