Tuesday 22 November 2022

Dimyat = Smederevka



We bought this bottle so long ago we no longer remember when or where but last night it was opened and drunk with interest. In this version it is an Orange wine, quite unctuous and soft, although it has to be said past its best (a little oxydised). Checking in 'Wine Grapes' we were surprised to discover it is widespread in Bulgaria and Macedonia and in fact it reaches Romania and France (Dimiat), Hungary (Bekaasolo), Austria  (Grobweisser) and even Russia (Galan) among others.

We know it as Smederevka since we once bought such a bottle. 'Wine Grapes' calls the wine from Dimyat 'everyday' and that was our impression from that Smeredevka from Macedonia.

It may be yet another offspring from the Casanova of grapes, Gouais Blanc and is itself a parent of Cabernet Severny.

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