Tuesday 23 July 2024





Wein Plus Lexikon:

The red grape variety Vidoc (also INRA/JKI 58) is a complex interspecific new breeding between VRH 3082-1-42 (genes of Aubun, Cabernet Sauvignon, Garnacha, Merlot) X Regent. It contains genes from Vitis Labrusca, Vitis Lincecumii, Vitis Rupestris and Vitis Vinifera as well as Muscadine. The hybrid was created in collaboration between INRA (Montpellier, France) and the Julius Kuehn Instiute (Siebeldingen, Pfalz, Germany) as part of a project launched in 2000 for the development of PIWI varieties. It was with the same parents that the new breed Artaban was created as part of the project. The Vidoc variety is characterised by total resistance to powdery mildew to and high resistance to downy mildew.

 Bought from Herve, our old friend at Cave L'Etiquette, this wine made from Vidoc says on the label

'Ce vin est un temoin de la resilience du vivant et de sa capacite surprenante a s'adapter. Issu entierement des vignes resistantes cultivees sans aucun intrant a la vigne et au chai, Darwin prouve que l'on peut faire du vin differamment. Vinifie entierement en levures indigeness puis eleve en cuve pendant 2 annees.' 

Which translates as 'This wine is a witness to the resilience of life and its surprising capacity to adapt. Coming entirely from resistant vines grown without any input in the vineyard and cellar, Darwin proves that you can make wine differently. Vinifies entirely from indiginous yeasts then aged in barrel for 2 years.



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