Monday 5 February 2024

We ❤️ Sárfehér, or is that Arany Sárfehér or maybe Izsáki Sárfehér?



Somlo Kincse Sarfeher 'Kezmuves Kispince' (Small craft cellar.')

Sárfehér (meaning White Mud in Hungarian) is a grape we have admired previously (see our post of 18th May 2014).

We aquired a bottle called simply Sárfehér with other rare Hungarian wines from Tasting Table Hungary back in October 2022. Looking up Sárfehér in 'Wine Grapes' there is nothing to be found. If you check Arany Sárfehér, there is indeed an entry but one with the warning that this grape is not to be confused with the plain and simple Sárfehér.

Checking with Galet, there seems to be a grape called Izsaki Sárfehér. Could this be the one in our bottle? Whichever Sárfehér it is, it's a fabulous wine and we love it.


 The writing on the side of the label doesn't help much. Among other things it says

A natural, unfiltered, dry, Hungarian wine.
With the help of God, the whole world was created. 


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