Sunday 18 December 2022

Mas Oller (not Oller del Mas).


Mas Oller

Among our favourite wines from Catalunya are those made with Picapoll. As mentioned in these pages, Picapoll is not Picpoul. nor is it just Picapoll. It is actually Clairette but not as we know it. Here in North-East Spain it seems to have found its best expression.

Oller del Mas

The Blanc de Picapolls from Oller del Mas has become almost a house wine for us. It is 11.5% in alcohol, tasty and fresh. Inexpensive too.

So when we say the sign Mas Oller while driving around the area of Emporda we thoought we should pay a visit to the winery where our favourite Picapoll is grown.

Being innocent of such matters we didn't notice that the name Mas Oller is not the same as Oller del Mas, nor that our Picapoll comes from Pla del Bages and not Emporda.

Mas Oller

So it was at the 'wrong' Mas that we found ourselves. 


This turned out to be serendipitous because Mas Oller is in itself an interesting destination with a range of grapes that includes Picapoll. there is also Malvasia, Garnatxa Negra, Syrah and Cabernet Sauvignon.



The lovely Elena soon put us right on where we were and what Mas Oller had to offer.


Mas Oller blends Picapoll with Malvasia which is another favourite grape of ours. In 'Mar' Picapoll is in te majority

In  'Mar en calma' it is the other way round. Both have 13.5% Abv which is not unusual even in whites in Spain.

Elena was very keen we should taste the whole range.

Following the tasting she gave us a tour of the winery which included an inspection of this impressive amphora, of special interest to our resident amphora-maker.

Steel tanks of various sizes abounded. Interesting place, Good wine, nice people. Vaut le voyage.

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