Saturday 12 November 2022

Ask and it shall be yours: Bardolino Novello


the last time we were in Italy we tried in vain to find a good bottle of Vino Novello. The mere mention of these words elicited snootiness beyond imagination.

Then we read in Jancis Robinson's 'Purple Pages' a rave by Tamlyn Currin for Bardolino Novello. We are great fans of good Bardolino as has been mentioned many time before in these pages. We looked in vain for these wines on Winesearcher so we wrote to the Consorzio Tutela Chiaretto e Bardolino and received a very kind reply from Angelo Peretti as follows;

We are a wine Consortium representing the wide majority of the producers of Bardolino (96%). Being an institution, we can’t sell wine. Furthermore, unfortunately, the seven Bardolino Novellos reviewed by Ms. Currin are sold out. Bardolino Novello is released in November and can be found in local wineries till December. Producers and bottles are very few and, currently, none of them is exported to the UK.

The next thing we knew, three complimentary bottles arrived - all good but the middle one from the Cantina di Custoza was really outstanding.

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