Saturday 8 January 2022

UC Davis releases 5 new varieties



Pierce's disease.

After 20 years of development the University of California at Davis released 5 new grape varieties in 2019: 

Ambulo blanc, similar to sauvignon blanc 

Caminante blanc, which has characteristics of sauvignon blanc and chardonnay.

Camminare noir, which has characteristics of cabernet sauvignon and petite sirah

Errante noir, similar to cabernet sauvignon

Paseante noir, similar to zinfandel

All these varieties have been developed with the intention of resisting Pierce's Disease which is devastating vines across the United States from Florida to California

Emily Hamann of the Sacremento Business journal reports that a member of the UCD staff found a wild grape in Mexico that is resistant to the disease However, 'it grows as a short shrub with fuzzy leaves and bitter, astringent fruit not good for making wine.'

But using old and new methods, UC Davis researchers bred that plant with traditional wine grapes to produce new varieties that vint and taste like traditional wine. the results apparemtly earned the approval of Italian experts (from the Vivai Cooperativo Rauscedo?) and are now being sold to wine nurseries for winegrowers wishing to combat Pierce's Disease.

Let's hope.


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