Monday 23 March 2020


One good thing about self-isolating from Coronavirus is the opportunity to taste, no - drink - some of the bottles piling up on our shelves.

Here's one that brightened our day. A fabulous Brancellao from Ribeira Sacra.

Brancellao is known as Alvarelhao in nearby Portugal. It is a grape with an amazing potential as we discovered with Forlorn Hope's 'Suspiro del Moro' Alvarelhao from the Silvaspoons vineyard, Lodi California a few years ago.

That triggered an investigation into the entire Vinho Verde/Galicia/Ribeiro/ Ribeiro Sacra region of North West Iberian Peninsula.

Nothing we discovered then compares with this beauty.

We obtained it from Decantalo, one of those new-ish operations importing (exporting actually) a huge selection of Spanish wines in the Vinissimus mode. Their prices are not exorbitant (£21.80 for this) and they are efficient and good to deal with. Recommended.

1 comment:

  1. I really need 24 hours plumber especially during isolation period that time. It is an emergency but luckily I found a plumber to solve my problems. Btw, thank you for sharing your wine choice with us. It offers another option for us to try it out!
