Monday 29 July 2019

We couldn't be happier

Seen on the Clipstone Restaurant winelist, Clipstone St, London;

6th down, Neronet from Moravia, Czech Republic, We admire this variety a lot. Finding it on a restaurant winelist shows imagination and flair. How often can you say that?

 "Spontaneously fermented, it was matured in oak barrel for 12 months, un-fined and un-filtered. Rich, fruity and satisfying Neronet’s purity come through in the glass with a simple honest and pleasing palate."                                
                                                                                                                                Queens Park Wines.  

Neronet is a crossing of Blauer Portugueiser, St.Laurent and Alibernet.

We haven't actually tasted Korab's Neronet but we hope to soon.

Meanwhile, a reminder of what turned us on to this excellent variety in the first place, Zurek's delicious Neronet (see our post of March 25th, 2016). Don't be put off by the label!

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