Friday 19 July 2019

Cowabunga! - Waitrose 'W' series.

Some of the new Waitrose W series wines
Waitrose is not the most cutting edge of supermarkets as far as wine goes. There is always a good amount of bottles that would hit the spot and they frequently have generous deals such as the current 25% off all wines. They are also faithful to old favourites so if you feel like buying a bottle of something you once bought years ago you might well still find it on the shelves.

Their online operation, Waitrose Cellar is something else offering a much broader and more interesting selection. On the other hand Waitrose is sensitive to local needs and often stock local English wines in relevant stores. One example is the wine of Oaken Grove, Buckinghamshire which is available at the Henley branch but not for example at Marble Arch in London.

So the new 'W' series is a fantastic bolt from the blue. Suddenly Waitrose is right up there with the likes of Elbling, Marselan, Petit Manseng, Arinto, Pais and a sparkling Pecorino. 

Waitrose Elbling - delish!

Not really anything to do with Riesling as far as taste is concerned.
At betweem £6.99 and £9.99. We have onlt tasted the Elbling so far but on the strength of that, these must be the bargain of the century.

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