Tuesday 25 June 2019

That particular avenue of pleasure has been closed off.

We read in the newspaper today that Eurostar is to stop people carrying more than one bottle of wine in their suitcases.

It is not clear if they are doing this for fear that people will get themselves rat-arsed on the journey, for security reasons or for proctectionism lest they don't buy drinks at the bar/buffet.

Apparently they will allow more than one bottle provided you send your case with their luggage service (£30). Maybe for the sake of a new revenue stream?

Basil: That particular avenue of pleasure has been closed off.
Whatever the reason, Basil Fawlty's words come to mind especially for people like us who have taken great pleasure transporting esoteric French and Belgian wines back to the UK in the past.

Will we have to take the plane in the future (not ecological)?


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