Sunday 8 July 2018

In praise of Boulaouane

We're not very sure about the differences between the three big North African producers, Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco. Production seems to be roughly equal. History is similar and varieties are mostly southern French although Faranat de Tunis (aka Majorquin) is an indiginous one and there is mention of Abbou, Adari, Doukkali, Teneron and others too. Of the three countries, we have actually visited only Morocco some of whose wines we have posted on this blog.

So it was a pleasure to be able to increase our knowledge by visiting the Moroccan restuarant Chez Omar in Paris. The staff don't drink alcohol of course and don't know about wine but someone at this venerable Cous-Cous establishment does and have selected Boulaouane wines to go with their food.

Very good they are too, we thought.

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