Friday 2 December 2016

Just fancy that!

Henri Galinié (left) at 'Rencontres des Cepages Modestes,' St. Come d'Olt, 2015

Jeanne Galinié, patronne 'Vins Versants' in the Marché des Enfants Rouges,' Paris.

Two of our wine heroes mentioned individually in this blog and in different contexts are actually related! Lovely people and tireless activists for everything that is good and interesting in wine.

Henri pulls a cork at the 2015 'Rencontres'

Jeanne makes wine every year under her own label, sometimes Pineau d'Aunis, sometimes Gamay...

Henri, organizer and lecturer 'Rencontres des Cepages Modestes'

Jeanne at 'Vins Versants,' Marché aux Enfants Rouges, Paris. Home of Vin Naturel

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