Saturday 6 June 2015

In praise of Menoire

There is often a gap between buying and opening. In the case of this Hungarian rarity, about a year. 

Menoir is how Medoc Noir is known now for bureaucratic reasons no doubt. There are all sorts of theories about its origin but it has now been established that Menoire is a separate indigenous Hungarian variety and as such, all the more interesting. There is a Muscat component in its background. This is rare but not unknown in a red wine. We had not tasted any of these. Muscat Bleu is quite interesting to growers in the UK, being successful in Belgium but being also a dessert grape which is not a great point in its favour if you want to make wine from it.

We need not have worried. Lajos Gal's Egri Menoire is simply scrumptious. Conservatives will balk at it but those with an open mind will welcome something new, different and delicious. It's a pity it is so hard to find.

There has been no mention of the Slotovino Hall of Fame for a long time. We will update this shortly. Meanwhile, Menoire joins the list with ease.

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