Wednesday 21 January 2015

Slotovino competition 2014/15

Slotovino competition update:

We make the rules so we can also enter the competition if we like and in the absence of any entries whatsoever, here are two candidates. One of these, the Moroccan beauty we have already tried and pronounced a hit:

Bought at Marrakech airport duty free (where else to buy wine in Morocco? Supermarkets are beginning to bow to fundamentalism and ending sales of alcoholic drinks). This is the most interesting wine we came across on a recent trip to this fascinating country. The blend is Marselan, Carmenere and Petit Verdot. It works very well indeed. It sings!

and here's one we didn't try but wins maximum points for imagination; Carrasquin, Verdejo Negro, Albarin Negro and Mencia. We had never heard of the first three. We hope none of them is a local name for Tempranillo!

In our post of October 2nd we promised a new competition with the customary cash prize. Since then, nothing, for which apologies to anyone left on tenterhooks.

So while preparing for our next expedition to the Lunigiana and thinking about our recent one to the Minho and Galicia, we suddenly recalled our challenge to find the most imaginative blend.

Slotovino rarely deals in blends but we are making progress and those of Portuguese and Spanish North West including Brancellao/Alvarinho, Vinhao/Souson, Borracal/Caino Tinto, Ferron/Manseng Noir and others.

We are about to encounter similarly esoteric varieties for blends in the Colli di Candia, Val di Magra and Colli Luni. These include Massaretta/Barsaglina, Pollera, Vermentino Nero, Bracciola, Foscara, Marinella, Morone and Rossara among others.

So how about it? Back in October we suggested entries along the lines of L'En de l'oeil and Koshu to make a beautifully fragrant white for example or a red from maybe Groppello and Corvina. What would you blend? Please limit yourselves to grapes mentioned in 'Wine Grapes'.

Slotovino will be the final judge as before. 500 Malagasy Francs are the prize!

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