Thursday 2 October 2014

No-spray vines - post scriptum

Can you make out the print on the label, dear Slotovino reader? It is the back label of Sedlescombe's white wine from 2013. What does it say under 'Varieties'? Can you see 'Solaris and Rivaner'?

If you have read our last post (the one just below this one) you might remember in Trento this summer we found lots of Solaris and it was not to our taste being rather too sweet for what was not intended as a dessert wine. We cut it with some disappointingly acidic Mueller Thurgau to make something - to our surprise - quite drinkable. We even recommended this as a  home blend in case by some extreme coincidence anyone found themselves with two opened bottles at the same time: one of Solaris and one of Mueller-Thurgau.

Well, if you haven't already guessed, Rivaner is just another name for Mueller Thurgau. Coincidence of was it great minds thinking alike? What are the chances of that?

Sedlescombe is one of the tiny handful of English Organic wine producers (Demeter certified, no less). We have admired their Regent in the past. Sedlescombe is near Hastings in Sussex.

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