Monday 28 October 2013

In praise of Quoins Organic Vineyard Orion

Thanks to the Wine Pantry, we bought a bottle of Quoin's Vineyard organic Orion and greatly enjoyed the result.

Orion is a Geilweilerhof hybrid from Optima and Villard Blanc produced in 1964 by Dr. Gerhard Allerweldt. Optima is a crossing of Riesling x Silvaner and Mueller-Thurgau.

Quoins is situated near Bath and is run by Alan Chubb and his family. It is one of only six certified organic vineyards in the UK. They produce another white from Madeleine Angevine and a Rose and Red from Rondo. These are unpromising varieties in our experience but judging by what Quoins has acheived with Orion, we should give them a try.

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