Saturday 6 July 2013

Emerging regions

Georgia is arguably the oldest wine producing country in the world and many represented here at the Landmark Hotel have been in the business for milennia so and emerging has more to do with our consciosness rather than their being new to wine production.

As well as Georgia, here represented by Bagrationi sparkling wine and named after the great general of the Napoleonic wars

was Lebanon with a Ksara made from 50% Arinarnoa and 50% Cabernet Sauvignon. Arinarnoa is a crossing of Merlot and Petit Verdot. We have tracked down a 100% Arinarnoa from Domaine  Isle St. Pierre (Vin de Pays des Bouches du Rhone) and will report on that eventually.

and some fascinating wines from the Canary Islands which proved quite a magnet.

Madeira and the Canary Islands were extremely important in the history of wine in America because they were the last ports of call before sailing ships crossed the ocean. Wine from there presumably had less time to spoil that that taken on at the beginning of the voyage. The largest single component of Thomas Jefferson's cellar was Madeira, not Bordeaux.

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