Monday 17 September 2012

How our garden grows

In 2010 we re-planted the Slotovino Thames Valley micro-vineyard with some experimental varieties where nothing had grown before. The results have been mixed to say the least. All the manuals say growth in the first year should be up to 6ft. We have barely managed half of that in 2 years but we have the excuse of being absent resulting in a complete lack of spraying, feeding, watering etc.

Nonetheless some varieties have been obliging. It is no surprise that the hybrids have outgrown the classics but we're glad we have tried both. The bible says 7 years should elapse before wine is made. We recently enjoyed a delicious English Pinot Blanc which was from a vineyard planted only in 2007 at Stopham Estate.

Quite the best English Pinot Blanc we have tasted. Surprisingly generous fruit!

Here are some photos of our vines this year, planted in spring 2011.





Pinot Noir

Wrotham Pinot




GM8107-3, 'Bettina'

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