Tuesday 29 November 2011

A walk up Kollwitzstrasse

Berliners are not very enthusiastic about what happened in the district of Prenzlauer Berg. When the wall came down, the inhabitants of this shabby area were moved out and the buildings were done up and Yuppies moved in. OK, but now whether Yuppies or original inhabitants, the area is revived and even Brecht might have applauded the result. Dass da gehören soll, was da ist, denen, die für es gut sind also die Kinder den Mütterlichen, damit sie gedeihen die Wagen den guten Fahrern, damit gut gefahren wird und das Tal den Bewässerern, damit es Frucht bringt.“

Oh dear, our German studies are getting the better of us. Never mind, a walk up the Kollwitstrsrasse is today something very pleasurable and even inspiring at least as far as the visitor is concerned. There are plenty of wine merchants as wells as wine bars, Delicatessen, Restaurants, Cafes etc. Also, an international feel with Hispanic and Italian places and around the corner, a couple of Russian ones.

The scene is lively at night. Maybe not so great for residents.

The Wine merchants include Weinladen Schmidt

a branch of Jacques' Weindepot (German equivalent of Majestic)

and the Delis include Sardu, a Sardinian place strangely enough.

At the very beginning of the street, there is an LPG Bio Supermarket

selling biological wines of course.

These include a heartening diverse selection. Here's just the Red Greek department


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