Thursday 6 May 2010

Back labels again.

At Hannover Airport (Land-side) we saw two bottles so ashamed of their grape varieties that they failed to mention them anywhere on the bottle. In one case, it seems the (red) blend was predominately Pinot Noir (tremble) and the other Blauer Portuguieser (shudder).

In the case of the latter, the back label gave more information than we have ever seen – anything but the grape variety:

Zucker unvergoren 4.4 Gramm
Als Invertzucker Bet.
davon Glukose 1.9 Gramm
Fruktose 2.5 Gramm
Broteinheiten 0.4 Gramm
Alkohol Brennwert 2814 Kilojoule
672 Kilokalorien
Gesamt Brennwert 2955 Kilojoulen
705 Kilokalorien
Die Analyse erfolgte im Auftrag der DLG Testservice GmbH, Otto=Lilienthal-Strasse 4, 55232 Alzey.

We’re all in favour of the contents being declared but this?

For what it is worth, this riveting information was in respect of a €2.99 bottle of Dirmsteiner Schwarzerde Rotwein (Pfalz) and the recalcitrant Pinot Noir was from Kosovo, bottled in Germany (abgefüllt in Mainz) – Amselfelder Lieblich trocken, also at €2.99. Amselfeld was incidentally the site of several battles from the 14th to the 20th century between Turks and Serbs. A rather bloodthirsty name for a wine, hardly good marketing on either side one would have thought.

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