Wednesday 7 October 2009

Fraser Jamieson of Corney and Barrow

In a talk at the Royal Society of Medecine Fraser Jamieson made two interesting statements. The first, that when we buy a bottle of French wine we are not buying grape varieties but a slice of land (terroir). And the other point was made by his choice of wines, all from Burgundy. How can it be explained why the same grapes made in the same way produce wines as different as Chablis and St. Aubin in such a small geographical area?

Good points, well made but it would be interesting to know how much microclimates and clones contribute and surely the vinification and cellaring can't be identical? Apart from anything else, those who make Chablis know they are making Chablis and those who make St. Aubin have a different goal in sight. Fraser Jamieson has worked in Burgundy so is certainly aware of all the variables.


  1. "Apart from anything else, those who make Chablis know they are making Chablis..."

    Interesting. We think of NV Champagnes as having a "house style," maybe it's appropriate to think that way about appellations, too.

  2. hmm I understand your views. I can't say I understand but i would love to learn! Lenny

  3. I value your insight. It changed the way I thought about wine, truly phenomenal. Check out my blog winelove!
