Sunday 25 January 2009

A Colares Evening

This did not turn out as hoped for but we had a very jolly evening and so perhaps this is something to be said in favour of the Colares wines which were drunk exclusively that night (10.1.09).

There was a very distinguished line up for what turned out to be some very disappointing bottles: in alphabetical order

Carla Capalbo
Paul Levy
Penelope Levy
Jeffrey Tobias
Rebecca Willer
Robert Willer

The main mistake was to have relied too much on Colares' reputation as ageworthy. Whether due to poor storage or any actual inability to age, the old wines were all more or less kaput and although of interest to some in a geriatric way they did nothing to establish enthusiasm for the Ramisco grape or Colares itself.

There was mild enthusiasm for the 2004 Fundacao Oriente and 2005 D'Areia. A venerable Tinta Chao ('Red Clay') NV was downright corked. The 1967 and even the 1995s from Chitas and D'Areia were past their best to say the least.

Oh well, as stated a very enjoyable evening thanks in no small degree to Jill Slotover's cooking.

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