Monday 1 December 2008

L'Ancelotta est arivee

Thanks to Slotovino's ever increasing roaming scout force, Brazilian Ancelotta was first of all tested in Brazil and subsequently rushed to headquarters in London for tasting on November 16th.

Initial reports were not encouraging;

Hmn. Well, we 'enjoyed' a bottle of Identidade 2006 Ancelotta last night over rather too much red meat in our local churrascaria..We found it to be gutsy, and tannic, with lots of fruit but also a slightly bitter aftertaste that led us to wonder if it could be off. Very dark colour, and lots of 'legs'... Pretty heavy head this morning...

so a Reserva was purchased; Don Laurindo 2005 Vale dos Vinhedos - Serra Gaucha - Brasil 13%. This turned out to be a perfectly pleasant rustic wine, dark in colour and no bitter aftertaste. However, only mildly resembling the Italian Ancelotta we has tasted 'sfuso' in Venice (see 'The Reds' below). It may be, as so often happened that an inferior clone was imported originally. If that is the impression over all Brazilian Ancelottas it will be a pity.

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